Pizza with chicken drumlet and onion rings
Pizza with chicken drumlet and onion rings
Pizza with chicken drumlet and onion rings
designed by
The chicken drumlet is the hour hand, the parsley sprig is the minute hand and the sun dried tomato is the second hand. Tap actions on the chicken drumlet, parsley, sun dried tomato and onion rings launch the messages, weather, Google Fit or Samsung Health and music apps respectively. Tap actions on the time and date info launch the timer and calendar apps. Tap actions were tested on a Samsung Galaxy Watch and may not work with other watches. If the tap action for timer does not work because there is no timer app in your Samsung watch, please try installing the free timer app from Samsung Electronics. The tap action should work once the timer app is in your watch. The app can be downloaded from Galaxy Store under the watch apps category.
30 May 2019
24h Time
Battery Level
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