outdoor timer v2
outdoor timer v2
outdoor timer v2
ucolor default eyedropper
ucolor selected
designed by
Bright colorful display. Muted Ucolor backround with 4 text colors.
Backround rotates with wrist movement. flashes brighter below 25% battery
Built in timer and stop watch with split time display.
12/24 hour, text color and date format editable in edit mode.
select Edit/enter top center to enter edit mode. edit mode only available on home time panel
use next button bottom for next option and then yellow arrow middle right to cycle formats or colors.
edit/enter after all have been selected to exit edit mode. no need to select enter between options.
Exit edit mode with Enter button on top before leaving to battery/weather/timers screens.
if top text flashing go back to edit mode and select enter.
ucolor next selector only available in edit mode.
assistant, dim mode and zoom toggle only available in edit mode or in 3 time zone mode.
u color replaced in 3 time zone mode with a back arrow for selecting new time zone.
u color switcherfar left switcher
Assistant button2nd from left Microphone icon
Dim mode togglelight bulb and Zoom level button
orange magnifying glass above next to battery button
quick access buttons for Stop watch, countdown timer, health, weather and battery buttons always active to switch panels.
Stop watch has split timer that shows up under timer. split time resets separately. press split time again to reset split time.
countdown timer has vibrations and a audible beep at end. AOD must be active to receive alarm on time. if screen is off timer beep maybe delayed. countdown continues without screen on but cant wake screen for alarm.
if stop watch blank its ready to edit time or press settime to edit timer if already active.. miliseconds disappear and stopwatch time flashes white when in edit mode. . to change time arrow up or down.left side arrows up to 1 hour. cycles back to 1m
press startstop to start or pause. must reset before you can edit time again.
Next buttonbottom center to cycle modes between , 3 time zone, timer, stop watch, time and battery screen.
3 time zone, left or right arrow to cycle time zone.
zoom level, Ucolor backround and assistant buttons active on this screen as well as main edit screen.
battery button flashes red at bellow 40 %
backround flashes at below 25 %
flashes plug in now below 15 %
15 Aug 2021
24h Time
Step Counter
Heart Rate
Battery Level
Phone Battery
Tap Actions
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