Embroidery of woodland scene
Embroidery of woodland scene
Embroidery of woodland scene
designed by
A lovely embroidered woodland scene which I found on the internet. The red triangle at the edge is the battery level indicator. 3 oclock position is 25 percent battery, 6 oclock is 50 percent, 9 oclock is 75 percent etc. Tap actions for 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9 oclock will launch the calendar app, Google Fit or Samsung Health app, messages app, music player app and timer app respectively. Tap actions were tested on a Samsung Galaxy watch and may not work on other smartwatches. If the tap actions do not work for your watch or you prefer the shortcuts to link to other apps, you can customize them in Watchmaker app to suit yourself.
2 Jun 2020
12h Time
Battery Level
Tap Actions
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