a hat n time smug dancing
a hat n time smug dancing
im gay lol
In "A Hat in Time," the smug dancing scene is a delightful moment of animation that has resonated with fans, often humorously captioned with phrases like "I'm gay lol". Imagine capturing this whimsical essence on an Armani Exchange Connected smartwatch, where the digital display showcases not only the time in both 12h and 24h formats but also an interactive touchscreen feature.
The watch face includes a customizable animation option, allowing users to set their favorite "smug dancing" scene as a looped gif for a bit of daily cheer. Beyond its playful aesthetic, the smartwatch offers functionalities such as displaying the date, syncing with your smartphone, and embodying a stylish yet fun accessory that merges high-tech utility with beloved pop culture references.
24 Dec 2019
12h Time
Watchface Reviews